Coding Competition
In the Spring of 2012, Dr. Ramesh Kolluru hosted the first CajunCodeFest in Acadiana with the winner moving on to participate at a national level at the US Health and Human Services code-a-thon. The CajunCodeFest is a coding competition that focuses on transforming "data” into real-world solutions.Each year a new theme is selected for the challenge focus.
This exciting event brings together all types of innovative thinkers and programmers: professional software developers, software designers, undergraduate and graduate students, educators, and entrepreneurs.Winners have gone on to participate in the national Health Datapalooza competition and other pitch competitions.
In 2014, the CajunCodeFest was recognized for fostering innovation in the community by the local chamber of commerce with a prestigious award.
Addressing the Issues
Each year the competition focuses on the new theme:
2012: Childhood Obesity
2013: Own Your Own Health
2014: Aging in Place and the Internet of Things
2015-2016: Diabetes
2017: Smart Community
2018: Data for Opioids
2019: Facilitated a local Congressional App Challenge with CGI for middle and high school students. The topic was open.
Why should I participate in a hackathon?
Network and collaborate with other professionals
Learn and grow
Expand a great idea
Showcase your skills
Gather a team
Win prizes and bragging rights
Connect with @CajunCodeFest on Facebook and Twitter.
Questions? Email us